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sword dance 舞劍;劍舞。

sword fern

Sometimes , the pencak silat or the traditional malay sword dance is performed . to add gaiety to the joyful affair , the groom and his party are required to overcome humorous obstacles before being allowed to go in 新郎新娘身穿華麗的服飾,像國王和王后一樣端坐在裝飾精美的花床上,老年人在他們頭上撒下鮮花和大米,并念經為他們祈求幸福。

The sword dance , similar to an irish jig of a highland fling , is usually performed at a scottish wedding gathering 在蘇格蘭的婚禮上,人們還經常表演劍舞? ?一種類似愛爾蘭吉格舞的蘇格蘭舞。

The sword dance , similar to an irish jip of a highland fling , is usrally performed at a scottish wedding gathering 在蘇格蘭的婚禮上,人們經常表演劍舞? ?一種似愛爾蘭吉格舞懂得蘇格蘭舞。

The sword dance , similar to an irish jig of a highland fling , usually performed at a scottish wedding gathering 在蘇格蘭的婚禮上,人們經常表演劍舞? ?一種類似愛爾蘭吉格舞的蘇格蘭。

The moon - light cast a glamour over the scene as they danced the sword dance 他們跳起了劍舞,這時明月當空,使景色更加增添了迷人的氣氛。

Here are girls and boys practicing the much admired “ shaolin “ and sword dance 孩子們正在練習令人羨慕的少林功夫和劍舞。